The Let’s Talk Program offers small conversation groups online that provide members struggling with aphasia the chance to practice communicating at the conversational level within a supportive environment.
These virtual aphasia support groups are led by volunteers and/or stroke survivors trained and supported by a qualified Speech Language Pathologist.
* All members are screened and placed in groups accordingly to skill and/or interest. We currently have groups on Wed 6:30pm-7:15pm & Fri 9:15am-10:00am, 10:00am-10:45am, 10:45am-11:30am (Pacific Standard Time)
*Group members must have a computer, stable Internet and have the ability to join sessions from home using(omit) using an online video platform
* Groups meet on a weekly basis.

Virtual memory/ problem solving groups - BRAINSTRETCH PROGRAM
Brainstretch Program is a small group program for persons with cognitive set-backs where members work their brains by stretching their memory and problem solving skills.
These groups are led by volunteers and/or stroke survivors trained and supported by a qualified Speech Language Pathologist.
* All members are screened and placed in groups accordingly to skill and/or interest. We currently have groups on Wed 6:30pm-7:15pm & Fri 9:15am-10:00am (Pacific Standard Time)
* Group members must have a computer, stable Internet and have the ability to join sessions from home using an online video platform.
* Groups meet on a weekly basis.

Virtual Parkinson's Groups - SPEAKING LOUD + CLEAR PROGRAM
The Speaking Loud + Clear Program is a small interactive group online for persons with Parkinson's and/or dysarthria who want to practice making their speech loud and clear for others to understand.
These groups are led by volunteers and/or stroke survivors trained and supported by a qualified Speech Language Pathologist.
* All members are screened and placed in groups accordingly to skill and/or interest. We currently have groups on Wed 6:30pm-7:15pm & Fri 10:45-11:30 am (Pacific Standard Time)
* Group members must have a computer, stable Internet and have the ability to join sessions from home using an online video platform.
* Groups meet on a weekly basis.

The Communication Partners Program offers virtual partner training for couples/families coping with aphasia or motor speech disorders that make communicating difficult.
Partner training is provided by a speech language pathologist with experience in working with persons with these disorders and their loved ones.
* This is a one-to-one session and can be offered as a short series of appointments depending on need and availability.
* Partners must have computer, Internet and able to join session from home using an online video platform.

VIRTUAL Caregiver Support Group
At SRP we believe in supporting the family as a whole. Aphasia, Progressive Illnesses etc impacts the entire family. It is important to practice good self-care so we can give our best.
This group meets on the second Friday of each month at 9 am (Pacific Standard Time) and offers a safe place for caregivers to come talk, support and encourage one another.
If you are interested please contact us.
* Group members must have a computer, stable Internet and have the ability to join sessions from home using an online video platform.
* Group meets twice a month

VIRTUAL Move That Body Group
At Speech Recovery Pathways, we believe in healing the body, mind, and spirit! We want you to be strong and healthy. Join us for some yoga and light fitness via zoom once a month. The sessions are led by the talented Debra Biegert with Iamyogaandfitness.
If you are interested please contact us